FREE ProfiTrace Training
SAR FREE (if taken on the dates below)
FREE ProfiTrace Training

This free training is fully concentrated on ProfiTrace 2. The main goal is to master the ProfiTrace platform to be able to quickly identify; what is a good and what is a bad network?

In a full day the participants will learn how to use ProfiTrace in order to analyse, localise and solve PROFIBUS faults. With a hands-on approach the participants will put theory into practice.

Become a master of the most popular PROFIBUS Tool.

Theory Topics

  • Structure of the ProfiTrace software
  • Structure of the ProfiCore™ Ultra and PA Probe
  • Contents of the Troubleshooting Toolkits
  • Software installation procedure and upgrades
  • License structure
  • Connecting the ProfiCore to a DP and PA network
  • Live List (colours, ident numbers, names)
  • The definition of statistics (retries, syncs, lost, etc.)
  • Measurement principle of the Bar graph and the Topology scan
  • DP and PA oscilloscope (termination problems, short circuits, noise, AC/DC)
  • Network manager

Practical exercises


  • Installing the software
  • Instaling licenses
  • Installing GSD files
  • Live List
  • Statistics

Message recording

  • Recording messages
  • Triggering, capturing and filtering
  • Saving and exchanging files

Signal analysis

  • Oscilloscope and Bar graph
  • Generating reports


  • Generating the network topology (passive- and running installation)
  • I/O and device testing with ProfiCaptain (passive- and running installation)
  • Remote Monitoring with COMbricks NEW


Target audience

This workshop is intended for everybody who is working with ProfiTrace or who has to make a decision for purchase. For example:

  • Service personnel and operators
  • Hard- and software engineers
  • Installation companies
  • Industrial PROFIBUS users
  • Engineering companies
  • Instructors and teachers
  • Suppliers


Training methodology: Theory + practice (MBO-4 level)
Duration: 1 Day (10 AM – 5 PM)
Price:   FREE (if taken on the dates below)


Book Your Training
Training course schedule coming soon...!

Other information

The participants will receive: a course book, writing materials and a certificate of participation.

It is recommended to bring a laptop or PC with USB 2.0 port.

Lunch is included.

This training does NOT cover cabling rules, grounding, PLC programming and other related subjects. For these you have to register for a Troubleshooting class or the Certified PROFIBUS Engineer class.



For more information: